欧洲之星(Eurostar)是一种高速列车服务,连接英国、法国和比利时。它并不是由某个国家发明的,而是由一个国际财团运营的。欧洲之星列车本身是由法国公司阿尔斯通(Alstom)制造的,这些列车被称为TGV(Train à Grande Vitesse,即高速列车)的变种。欧洲之星服务的运营公司是Eurostar International Limited,它是由法国国家铁路公司(SNCF)、比利时国家铁路公司(SNCB)和英国的投资者共同拥有的。
The Eurostar is a high-speed railway service connecting London with Paris and Brussels. The service is operated by Eurostar International Limited, a company owned by the French, Belgian, and British governments. The Eurostar train itself was developed through a collaboration between several European countries, with the train design and technology being a result of international cooperation.
The first Eurostar trains were based on the TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) technology developed by Alstom in France. The TGV is a French innovation and is known for its high-speed rail capabilities. The Eurostar trains were adapted from the TGV design to accommodate the Channel Tunnel (also known as the "Chunnel") between the UK and France, which required specific modifications to meet safety and operational requirements.
In summary, while the Eurostar service itself is a multinational effort, the underlying technology and design of the trains are rooted in the French TGV system.
欧洲之星(Eurostar)是一种高速列车服务,连接英国、法国和比利时。它并不是由某个国家发明的,而是由一个国际财团运营的。欧洲之星列车通过英吉利海峡隧道(Channel Tunnel)运行,这是世界上最长的海底隧道,连接英国的福克斯通(Folkestone)和法国的加来(Calais)。
欧洲之星列车本身是由法国的阿尔斯通(Alstom)公司制造的,这些列车被称为TGV(Train à Grande Vitesse),是法国高速列车的变种。TGV技术是法国发明的,因此可以说欧洲之星列车的技术基础是法国的。
欧洲之星服务的运营公司是Eurostar International Limited,这是一个国际财团,其股东包括法国国家铁路公司(SNCF)、比利时国家铁路公司(SNCB)和英国的投资者。因此,欧洲之星是一个跨国合作的项目,而不是由单一国家发明的。
1. 英国(United Kingdom)
2. 法国(France)
3. 比利时(Belgium)