






现代牙齿矫正学的奠基人通常被认为是皮埃尔·福沙尔(Pierre Fauchard),他在1728年出版的《牙科外科医生》(Le Chirurgien Dentiste)一书中描述了一种称为“bandeau”的矫正装置,用于矫正牙齿排列。

19世纪末到20世纪初,爱德华·安格尔(Edward Angle)被认为是现代牙齿矫正学的创始人。他提出了牙齿分类系统,建立了牙齿矫正的基本原则,并创立了第一个牙齿矫正学专业组织。




- 古代:古埃及人、伊特鲁里亚人和罗马人都有使用金属丝或动物肠线来矫正牙齿的记录。

- 18世纪:法国牙医皮埃尔·福查德(Pierre Fauchard)在他的著作《牙科医生》(Le Chirurgien Dentiste)中描述了一种称为“bandeau”的矫正器,这是一种用于矫正牙齿的金属装置。

- 19世纪:随着对牙齿解剖和功能的更深入了解,牙齿矫正技术开始逐渐发展。1819年,克里斯托弗·亚当斯(Christophe-Francois Delabarre)引入了带有金属丝的矫正器。

- 20世纪初:爱德华·哈特菲尔德(Edward Hartley Angle)被认为是现代牙齿矫正学的奠基人。他在1880年代和1890年代提出了牙齿分类系统,并在1900年代初期开发了一系列矫正器,这些矫正器奠定了现代矫正技术的基础。

- 20世纪中叶:随着材料科学和技术的进步,不锈钢和其他合金的使用使得矫正器更加耐用和有效。1940年代和1950年代,托马斯·杜尔曼(Thomas D. Duane)和其他牙医进一步改进了矫正技术。

- 20世纪末至今:隐形矫正器的出现,如Invisalign(1997年推出),代表了牙齿矫正技术的重大进步。这些矫正器由透明塑料制成,几乎不可见,为患者提供了更美观的矫正选择。



The concept of orthodontics, which involves the use of braces and other appliances to correct misaligned teeth, has been around for thousands of years. However, the modern techniques and appliances we associate with orthodontics today were developed more recently.

Edward Angle, an American dentist, is often referred to as the "father of modern orthodontics." He was born in 1855 and began his career in the late 19th century. Angle developed a classification system for malocclusions (misalignments of the teeth) and made significant contributions to the development of orthodontic appliances and techniques. His work laid the foundation for the orthodontic treatments that are used today.

In terms of the specific technology of braces, they have evolved over time. The first braces were made of gold, silver, or other metals, and were quite different from the brackets and wires used today. The invention of modern braces is not attributed to a single individual but is the result of many contributions from various dental professionals over the years.

If you're looking for the term in English, you might say "Who is the inventor of orthodontic technology?" or "Who pioneered modern orthodontics?" Edward Angle would be a key figure in the history of orthodontics, but it's important to note that the field has continued to evolve with contributions from many professionals.


The concept of teeth straightening and orthodontic treatment has been around for centuries, with evidence of early attempts at dental alignment found in ancient civilizations. However, the modern field of orthodontics, which includes the use of braces and other corrective appliances, is generally attributed to several key figures in the 18th and 19th centuries.

One of the pioneers in the field was Pierre Fauchard, a French dentist who is often referred to as the "Father of Modern Dentistry." In his 1728 book "The Surgeon Dentist," Fauchard described various methods of straightening teeth, including the use of a device called a "blandeau" to widen the upper palate.

Another significant contributor was the American dentist Edward Angle, who is considered the "Father of Modern Orthodontics." Angle established the classification of malocclusion (misalignment of teeth) and developed many of the techniques and appliances still used today. His work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries laid the foundation for the modern practice of orthodontics.

In terms of the specific technology of braces, the first recorded use of a form of bracket to straighten teeth was by Christophe-François Delabarre in 1819. The modern metal bracket and archwire system that is commonly used today was further refined by Angle and his students in the early 20th century.

To answer your question in English: There isn't a single "inventor" of teeth-straightening technology, as it has evolved over time with contributions from many dental professionals. However, Pierre Fauchard and Edward Angle are among the most notable figures in the history of orthodontics.





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