随后,在1950年代,美国皮肤科医生Norman Orentreich博士进行了更深入的研究,并在1959年发表了他的研究成果。他提出了“供体优势”(donor dominance)的概念,即从后枕部取出的毛囊在移植到其他部位后,仍然保持其原有的生长特性。这一发现奠定了现代植发技术的基础。
The concept of hair transplantation, which is a form of surgical hair restoration, has been around for several decades. The modern technique of follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) has evolved over time.
The first hair transplant was performed by Dr. Norman Orentreich in the late 1950s. Dr. Orentreich, a New York dermatologist, is considered the father of modern hair transplantation. He introduced the concept of donor dominance, which means that hair from the back of the head (the donor area) retains its characteristics when transplanted to other areas of the scalp. This principle is the foundation of hair transplantation as we know it today.
The term "hair transplant" or "hair restoration surgery" would be used in English to describe the procedure. The specific techniques like FUT and FUE have been developed and refined by various surgeons over the years, and they are also referred to by their acronyms in English.
If you're looking for the specific term in English for the person who first invented the technique, it would be "Dr. Norman Orentreich" or "the father of modern hair transplantation."
植发技术,特别是现代意义上的毛发移植技术,是由美国皮肤科医生诺曼·奥伦特里奇(Norman Orentreich)在1950年代首次提出的。他在1959年发表了一篇名为“Donor Dominance in Hair Transplants”的论文,阐述了“供体优势”(donor dominance)的概念,即从后枕部取下的毛囊在移植到其他部位后,仍然保持其原有的生长特性。这一发现奠定了现代毛发移植技术的基础。
植发技术最早起源于日本。在1930年代,日本皮肤科医生Okuda博士首次提出了使用小片头皮移植来治疗烧伤后留下的毛发缺失问题。他的方法涉及从患者头部后侧取出包含毛囊的圆形皮肤组织,然后将其移植到需要毛发的区域。这种方法后来被称为“毛囊单位移植”(follicular unit transplantation)。
随后,在1950年代,美国皮肤科医生Norman Orentreich博士进一步发展了植发技术,并提出了“供体优势”(donor dominance)理论,即从头部后侧取出的毛囊在移植到其他部位后,仍能保持其原有的生长特性。这一理论奠定了现代植发技术的基础。