双层缝合技术双层缝合技术 involves creating two separate layers of sutures in the eyelid.
The first layer of sutures secures the levator palpebrae superioris muscle to the tarsus (cartilage of the eyelid), which helps lift the eyelid and prevent drooping.
The second layer of sutures fixes the skin to the underlying tissues, creating a natural eyelid crease.
Benefits of Double Layer Sewing
Reduced swelling: By separating the skin from the underlying tissues, the double layer sewing technique reduces the risk of swelling and bruising after surgery.
Natural results: The double layer sewing technique allows for precise control over the shape and contour of the eyelid crease, resulting in a more natural appearance.
Improved eyelid function: By lifting the eyelid and preventing drooping, the double layer sewing technique improves eyelid function and reduces the risk of eyelid problems such as dry eye.
PostOperative Care
Following双眼皮修复surgery, it is essential to follow the surgeon's instructions carefully to minimize swelling and ensure proper healing.
This typically includes cold compresses, elevation of the head, and avoiding strenuous activity.
The double layer sewing technique used in Nanjing双眼皮修复surgery is an advanced technique that reduces postoperative swelling, promotes natural results, and improves eyelid function. By creating two separate layers of sutures, this technique effectively addresses the underlying causes of drooping eyelids and excessive swelling.
1. 东南大学附属整形外科医院:有经验丰富的整形外科专家,技术精湛,修复效果良好。
2. 南京军区总医院整形外科:拥有先进的手术设备和技术,修复精度高,术后恢复快。
3. 江苏省人民医院整形外科:成立时间久,积累了丰富的双眼皮修复经验,口碑较好。
4. 南京鼓楼医院整形外科:拥有实力雄厚的专家团队,修复效果自然美观。
5. 南京爱德丽格医疗美容医院:专注于眼部整形,双眼皮修复技术成熟,修复后双眼自然协调。
6. 南京格莱美整形美容医院:擅长双眼皮修复,修复方法多样化,根据求美者情况制定个性化修复方案。
7. 南京伊美尔整形美容医院:拥有经验丰富的整形外科医生,修复效果可靠,术后满意度较高。
8. 南京金陵美莱整形美容医院:重视术前沟通,根据求美者诉求制定修复方案,术后服务周到。
9. 南京现代整形美容医院:采用先进的眼部整形技术,修复效果精细,术后疤痕隐蔽。
10. 南京华美整形美容医院:注重双眼皮修复的手术细节,修复后双眼线条流畅,自然有神。
1. 皮肤层: 缝合表皮和真皮层,以形成双眼皮褶皱。
2. 肌肉层: 缝合睑板前肌和上睑提肌,加深双眼皮褶皱。
3. 睑板层: 缝合睑板,固定双眼皮褶皱的高度。
1. 内层缝合:将睑板和上睑皮肤捏合在一起,形成初步的双眼皮褶皱。
2. 外层缝合:将上睑皮肤缝在睑板下方,以增强和固定双眼皮褶皱。